Friday, 9 December 2011

Shots fired At Two Locations In North Portland

Shots rang out across from the Portland Community College Cascade campus in North Portland just before 5:15 p.m. Police are uncertain if two reports of shots fired that occurred about 1-hour apart in North Portland Thursday night are connected.

No one was injured in either shooting, but police are at each scene investigating, said Lt. Robert King, a spokesman for the Portland Police Bureau. Investigators aren't sure yet if the incidents are related.

The suspect vehicle is described by witnesses as a dark colored American sedan. Witnesses indicated that the suspect vehicle drove out of the parking lot north on Albina and stopped in the street.When lawyers and police showed up for court Thursday, they say Lepesh did not show and officers have not been able to find him.

Officers found shell casings at both scenes. The bureau's gang team is handling the parking lot shooting and will likely investigate the second incident, King said.

Police believe Lepesh is still in the Portland-metro area. Anyone who sees him is asked to call 911.

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