Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Couple Charged For Having Sex On Toronto Subway Platform, Video

A couple was loaded after they were caught, Being concerned with sexual intercourse on the through traffic system of Toronto in the middle of the day on Sunday. TTC speaker Brad horse said that a passenger activated the aid alarm on the SUBWAY, when a man and a woman began sex on that in direction south train. has when the train delayed the couple, continued its amouröse activity on that in direction south platform of the Spadina station at approximately 2:30 p. m. police and through traffic control became notifies and were visited the scene, said horse. Was, gratefully not there, but of what I understand, a customer is has said activated the passenger aid alarm, "horse. "you have that this has mate busied with I, would guess seen, described will must what best as a lustful deed ". The train delayed and climbed a TTC watch and activated the couple at Spadina station.

But they were not satisfied clearly. Alcohol is guess a factor, it I, decided said that they had not continued completed its trip and on the platform, "horse.

A video obviously shows delayed shot through a Mitreisendern the train while a man lies on a woman, who moves rhythmic with its bare uncovered Gesäß. A TTC employee in a bright green jacket with reflecting material stands at a sensible distance on the yellow U train strip, and appears to curse, to delay at the couple.

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